Antiques * Vintage * Primitives

The Farm Chicks!!

June 8th, 2013 | Posted by Leah in Junking Journey

The first weekend in June is the annual Farm Chicks Antique Show.  What a great weekend!!  My husband Tom and I hit the road early Friday morning with our friends Barb, Michael, Marcelle and Blair.  We planned to meet my sister Tanya (from The Vintage Verandah) in Spokane, as she was travelling from Cochrane Alberta.  We were all so excited for a weekend away and were anticipating what treasures we would find!!

The drive to Spokane is a little long but definitely a pretty one.  The day started out cloudy, but the closer we got the brighter the sky got…sunshine to match our happy moods!!



We could tell we were getting close….I mean where else would a pink vintage camper be heading!!!


Yah!!  My sister made it to Spokane too!! Safe travels for us all.


After checking into the hotels we found a family run Mexican restaurant to have dinner at.  Over some delicious  food and some margaritas, we planned out our morning strategy!  For those of you who have never been to a market like The Farm Chicks, I must tell you that the junking world is a crazy one!! LOL! But in a good way!  Everyone is happy and eager to get their hands on that treasure they have been wishing to find!!  But with that excitement also comes a line up!!  And we figured that if we have travelled 8 hours to get here, we are going to be at the front of the line!!

So here was the game plan….Tom and Barb were willing to take the early shift, so they headed down there at 4:30am!!  Tanya and I followed at 5:45…with the mandatory stop at Starbucks of course!!  Michael, Marcelle and Blair followed at 7am, with a second round of Starbucks shortly after!!  What you have to do to keep yourself going!! LOL!!  Our plan worked!! We were first in line !!






Ok…so now you think we are a little crazy for being there so early…but check out the line up!!  If you look really closely in the second picture you can see on the left side (through the chain fence) the line up wraps around the corner!!




First through the doors!!!  Do we look like we are on a mission or what?!


But the early morning was worth it, we had a fantastic first day of shopping.  We met some wonderful vendors and had so much fun looking through all the booths.







Here are Billy and Pat, my favorite vendors!!  I visit them every year…how can you not love these ladies!!






Day 2….We didn’t have to line up as early, and we were happy about that because it was a cool, rainy morning.  Inside many vendors re-stocked their booths, so it was just as much fun to shop on Sunday!!  After spending a couple hours shopping, it was time to load the uhaul.  SAM_0416






Back at home Tom and I spent the day organizing the garage so we could load in all the finds!!  The garage is full and I am so excited to get started on my projects!!!  Thanks honey for giving up your garage for me!!!

Did you go to Farm Chicks this year, or in previous years??  Did you love it??  What did you find??  Maybe you have found a market that you love to go to…I would love to hear all about it!!



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