Antiques * Vintage * Primitives

The Olde Farmhouse in The Spring

February 27th, 2015 | Posted by Leah in Vintage Market

TOF_postcard_Spring2015_FRONT_webTOF_postcard_Spring2015_BACK_webI am already so excited for May 30th to arrive!!  This spring, The Olde Farmhouse will have over 75 vendors with booths FULL of treasures for you.  You will have plenty of time to browse through all the booths, both inside the barns and out on the grassy field.  Take some time to grab some lunch, refreshments, and snacks so you are fueled up and ready to carry around all those amazing finds!!  And remember the rule…if you hesitate, the next shopper may grab that one of a kind item!! lol

(The vendor links will be up on the blog very soon so you can start your wish lists!!)

I hope you can make it out to the 6th Olde Farmhouse Vintage Market!!  It’s going to be a great day to go JUNKING!!


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