Antiques * Vintage * Primitives

Save The Date!!

February 24th, 2013 | Posted by Leah in Uncategorized

Well… it has been way too long since the last posting!!!  How quickly time goes by!  It has been a busy time since the last Olde Farmhouse Market, spending time with the family, taking a wonderful vacation, enjoying the Christmas season and getting settled into the new year!  A few weeks ago I went on my first junking trip of the year!  This was just the beginning of the trips that I have planned this year for scouting out unique farmhouse treasures!!  All to prepare for……

 The next Olde Farmhouse Vintage Market!!!

Saturday, September 28th, 2013

9:00am to 6:00pm at The Albion Fairgrounds in Maple Ridge

I think that the fall season will be a perfect time of year for us to gather together for yet another wonderful day of Junking!!!  Great vendors with amazing booths full of one of a kind items, and a perfect opportunity to spend time with family and friends!!  Mark the date on your calendars and get ready for another Olde Farmhouse Vintage Market!!!

Applications are now open for vendors!!  You can submit your application online, under the Vendor title on the main page.  Applications will be accepted until April 30th.








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One Response

  • Claudine says:

    Hi, Leah!!!! I have saved the date and I would love to be a vendor at the September market, pleeease!
    Please send me a reminder by email when it is time to apply!

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